For most of the formats developed by Blizzard Entertainment and used in Warcraft III: The Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne there is a corresponding unofficial specification (except for savegames - W3Z). Sometimes values might be incorrect since formats never had been implemented in any program yet.
- BLP (textures)
- BLP (by Magos)
- MDX and MDL (models)
- MDX and MDL (by Magos)
- MPQ 0.9 (archives)
- MPQ 1.0
- W3M, W3X (maps) and W3N (campaigns) from Wc3C.net
- W3G (replays)
- W3G actions
Most Warcraft III tools can be found on Wc3C.net and The Hive Workshop. Additionally, there is some interesting libraries and tools for development:
Email: barade.barade [at] web.de